Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: Dan Marschner
July 2001
Mt. Airy Shelter to Remain open
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Time to Say Goodbye
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Cincinnati’s Conspiracy
Speech Read at City Hall
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The Cold Within
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Paxton Sings for the Environment and Cincinnati’s Homeless
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Tags: Alicia Beck, Anne Anderson, Arts & Poetry, Ben Gilbert, Brian Garry, Christmas, Cincinnati, City Hall, Dan Marschner, Dana Terrell, David Mitchell, Editorials, Edna Smith, H. Lee Bowen, James Blackmon Iyndigoh, John Perotti, Kim Renay Dumas, Lemuel Israel, Mary A. Gaffney, Mary Taylor, mental illness, Molly Lyons, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, Mt. Airy Shelter, NASNA, National News, Pam Johnson, prisoners news, Racism, Riccardo Taylor, Ronald Leroy English, Sonny Williams, Steve Sunderland, Susan Hucsken, Susan Knight, Tuqman Bahir Taqwuim, Victor M. Velez, Women
June 2001
Streetvibes Celebrates Fifth Anniversary!
Executive Summary of homeless Study Released
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Streetvibes: A Good Idea with Humble Roots
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Remembering Buddy Gray
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The Center for Community Photography Opens in…
Tags: Aaron Pitchford, Abdul Karriem Muhammad, Abiyah, Alicia Beck, Annie Garrett, anniversary, Anthony Watkins, Arts & Poetry, Bonnie Neumeier, buddy gray, Crime, Curtis L. Fox, Dan Marschner, Dana Terrell, David Mitchell, Douglas Jay Lian, Ed Burdell, Editorials, Homeless Study, Islamic, Jimmy Heath, Johnny Wm. Byrd, Jr., Mary A. Gaffney, Mary Taylor, Michael Stoops, Mr. Lee, National News, Over-the-Rhine, Pat Clifford, prisoners news, Riccardo Taylor, Ronald Leroy English, Sonny Williams, Susan Knight, Thomas N. Payne, William J. Mayo
May 2001
Rebellion in Cincinnati: Violence by Any Other Name
Mt. Airy Shelter Fights for Survival
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Vendor Profile
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Through the Eyes of a Health Care for Homeless Veterans/Social Work Intern
Celebrating Rev. McCrackin “Mac” Day…
Tags: Aaron Pitchford, Abdul Karriem Muhammad, Alicia Beck, Arts & Poetry, Brian Garry, Corryville Family Resource Center, Dan Marschner, David Mitchell, Editorials, Evangelist, H.L. Bowen, Healthcare, Iah Isreal, jail, Justice System, Kenneth D. Smith, Kunta Kenyatta, Linda L. Berger, MAC, Maleshia R. Neugerbauer, Mary A. Gaffney, Mary Taylor, mental illness, Mr. Lee, National News, Pat Mitchell, police brutality, prisoners news, Race, Rodney Sutton, Ronald Leroy English, Social Work, Supreme Court, Susan Hueshin, Susan Knight, Tom Billman, Tyrone Smith, UC Hospital, veterans, welfare reform
April 2001
Homeless Think Tank
Mexican Workers Confront KY Company
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Vendor Profile
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Grant Helps Obtain Medical Coverage
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Xavier Raises Awareness About Homelessness
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Welfare News
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National News
Tags: Alicia Beck, Anthony Watkins, Arts & Poetry, Blaine Reynolds, Budget, Dan Marschner, Dawyna Fernandsen, Death Row, Deborah Locke, Don Allen, Editorials, Free Trade, Gaffney, Grant, H.L. Bowen, Healthcare, Jr., Legal-Aid, Mary A., Mary Taylor, Medical Coverage, mental illness, Mr. Lee, National Coalition for the Homeless, National News, Pat Mitchell, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, prisoners news, recovery, Sonny Williams, Staughton Lynd, Suicide, Susan Knight, Tom Billman, Warren Perkins, welfare, Xavier University
March 2001
The Struggle of the Life Learning Center
Half Past Autumn
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Diversity Defines Streetvibes’ New Editorial Team
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Chabad House Homeless Shelter: Helping Families in Need
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Preserving Ohio’s Affordable Housing
Tags: African American Artists, Alicia Beck, Artists, Arts & Poetry, Berta’s Art Corner, Casey Trupin, Charity, Church, Covington, Dan Marschner, Diversity, Editorials, Evangelist, Gordon Parks, H.L. Bowen, HIV, Homeless Resource Center, Jimmy Heath, Juliette Beck, Lauren Byrne, Life Learning Center, Mary A. Gaffney, Mary McCoy, Mary Taylor, Micael Stoops, Mr. Lee, National News, Pat Mitchell, Peltier, Prison, prisoners news, Riccardo Taylor, Rodney Sutton, Sean McDonald, Seattle, Sonny Williams, Steve Gibbs, Street View, Susan Huesken, Susan Knight, Tom Billman
February 2001
Thousands March to Remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Keeper of Keys: Jailer Opens Door to the Homeless
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GCCH Director’s Challenge
Streetvibes Editor Steps Down
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Restock: Hand in Hand with the Drop Inn Center
Tags: ACLU, Aid, Alicia Beck, Arts & Poetry, Berta Lambert, Bill Tinker, Carol Ann Bell, Cecelia Butticci, Chris Moss, D.C., Dan Marschner, David Clark, Doug Lawrence, Drop Inn Center, Editorials, Farming, Foster Care, GCCH, Inauguration, Indigenous People, International news, Jimmy Heath, John Caniglia, John Perotti, Larnell Harris, Maria Poblet, Mark Teegarden, Martin Luther King Jr., Mary A. Gaffney, Mary Taylor, Medicaid, MLK, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, National Coalition for Homeless, Pat Mitchell, Peltier, Prisoners, prisoners news, protest, Raman, Riccardo Taylor, Rick Taylor, Ron Carter, Sonny Williams, Street View, Susan Huesken, Susan Knight, Tom Billman, Tony Hall, Victor M. Velez, Warren Perkins, Washington, welfare news
January 2001
Tristate Homeless Study Released
Remembering Those Who Died
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Local News
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Homeless at Christmas
Transition Out of Homelessness
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Mt. Airy: Love it or Leave it
Covington’s Life Learning Center Closer to Breaking…
Tags: Alicia Beck, Arts & Poetry, Awareness Week, Berta Lambert, Carol Ann Bell, Christmas, Covington, Dan Marschner, Dawnya Ferdinandson, Dayton, Dishon Woody, domestic violence, Editorials, education, Evangelist, Grady Cook, Homeless Study, Inauguration, Jimmy Heath, Johnny Byrd, Kathy Miller, Katie Hines, Kenneth D. Smith, L.A., Life Learning Center, Lorry Swain, Lynn Williams, MAC, Maria Poblet, Mark Teegarden, Martin Luther King Jr., Mary A. Gaffney, Mary Taylor, Mindy Berenyl, MLK, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, National News, Ohio, Pat Mitchell, prisoners news, Riccardo Taylor, Robert Freeking, Rodney Sutton, Ron Carter, Sonny Williams, Suicide, Susan Huesken, Susan Knight, Tom Billman, Wages, Warren Perkins, Washington, welfare news
December 2000
An Insider’s Guide to Holiday Helping
Coalition for a Humane Economy Rallies at Fountain Square
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Rehab at the VA Nursing Center
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Salvation from the Homelessness
Mt. Airy Shelter
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Restock: Shaking Off the Dust and…
Tags: Alicia Beck, Anthony Watkins, Arts & Poetry, Berta Lambert, Beverly Brooks, Buddys Place, Camping, children, Dan Marschner, Death Penalty, Doctor Donovan, Evangelist, Fountain Square, Gina Kohlheff, Health Tips, Holiday, Jerome Johnson, Jimmy Heath, John Halpin, John Perotti, Johnny Byrd, Kathy Miller, Leonard Peltier, Lynn Williams, Mary A. Gaffney, Military School, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, National News, Oregon, Pat Mitchell, police brutality, Rehab, Robert Freeking, Rodney Sutton, Ron Carter, School, Sonny Williams, Street, Susan Knight, Tom Billman, Veggies vibe, veterans, Vietnam Veterans, War, Warren Perkins, welfare news
November 2000
Nader Captivates Cincinnati
Globalization Goes Local
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Homeless Coalition Speaks at 8th Annual Senior Banquet
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Hello, My Name is Tony and I Am a Counselor at the Joseph House Inc.
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Mt. Airy Shelter:
Tags: Alicia Beck, Anthony Mack, Anthony Watkins, Appalachia, Arts & Poetry, Berta Lambert, Booger Lover, Boycott, Columbus Day, Dan Marschner, Doctor Donovan, Evangelist, Gina Kohlheff, Health Tips, Human Rights, IMF, Jewel Wilks, Jimmy Heath, John Halpin, John Perotti, John W. Gerhart, Kroger, Kunta Kenyata, Linda L. Burger, Lynn Marmer, Lynn Williams, Mark, Mary A. Gaffney, Mexican Border, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, Mt. Olive, National News, Pat Mitchell, protest, Riccardo M. Taylor, Rick Williams, Rodney Sutton, Ron Carter, Shaka N’Zinga, Sharon Weiss, Sonny Williams, Street, Strike, Susan Knight, Thanksgiving, Tom Billman, Victor Buttram, Warren Perkins, Washington Park, welfare news, Wendall Salter, World Bank
October 2000
Mt. Olive Pickle Boycott Draws Hundreds of Picketers
Educators and Advocated Take to the Streets of Cincinnati in November!
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Soldier in the War on Poverty Injured in Action
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Interview with Todd Portune
Back to the…
Tags: Alicia Beck, Arts & Poetry, Berta Lambert, Beverly Seymour, Bob Jones, Bomani Shakur, Boycott, Castro, Cincinnati, Community, Dan Marschner, Dawnya Ferdinandson, Debbie Mays, Doctor Donovan, Editorials & Letters, Educators, Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg, Evangelist, Frank Lienhart, Gina Kohlheff, Hal Rosenthal, Jimmy Heath, John Halpin, John Henry Lionheart, John Perotti, Journalistic Responsibility, Katie Pilacky, Kenneth D. Smith, Lynn Williams, Mary A. Gaffney, Matt Parkhousem, Miriam Axel-Lute, Mr. Lee, Mt. Airy, Pat Mitchell, Pickle, poverty, prisoners news, protest, Restaurants, Riccardo M. Taylor, Rodney Sutton, Roger R., Ron Carter, Sharon Weiss, Social Justice, Sonny Williams, Street Scope, Susan Huesken, Susan Knight, Tim Wheeler, Todd Portune, Tom Billman, Tyrone Smith, veterans, Violence, War, Warren Perkins, welfare news