Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: street papers
October 17-October 31, 2019
Cover Page
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When Anti-Displacement Means Segregation
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Reasserting Proper Relationships of Accountability in the Age of Greta
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Climate Strike
Big Media vs. Street Papers
May 6-May 19, 2016
Cover Page
Pg 2:
From the Director
An Update on the Alms Hills Apartment
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Civil Disobedience Pioneer on $20 Bill
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Are We Really Serious About Addressing Poverty?
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On Notice
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Cincinnati Stand…
Tags: Alice Schneider, Bill Woods, Cincinnati, Dr. Mark Mussman, Drugs, Homeless Coalition, Josh Spring, Kim Green, Michael Earl Patton, Ohio, Over-the-Rhine, Photography, Portugal, poverty, reform, Rome, Seattle, Stephen Wuesthoff, street papers, Students, Syria, Vancouver, Willa Denise Jones, William Finn
February 26-March 10, 2016
Cover Page
Pg 2:
From the Director
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A Crucified Cuba
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Open Letter to the Bern
Donald Trump Isn’t the Next Hitler
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Authorizing War
Pg 7:
Not So Great a Distance
Pg 8:
Professor Green
Tags: Bernie Sanders, Bill Woods, Black Lives Matter, Cuba, Donald Trump, Dr. Mark Mussman, Iraq, Jason Haap, Jim Luken, Josh Spring, Justin Jeffre, Kim Green, Libya, Martha Stephens, Michael Earl Patton, Police Officers, Robert Park, Shanon Johnson, Social Works, street papers, War, Willa Denise Jones, Women
January 29-February 11, 2016
Cover Page
Pg 2:
From the Director
Remembering Martin Luther King
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City Legislation Drafted to Protect Workers
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Stick with It!
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My First (Winning) Superbowl
Pg 7:
1789 Cincinnati Letter on…
Tags: Bill Woods, Cancer, Cincinnati, Dr. Mark Mussman, Homelessness, Jim Luken, Jimmie Gipson, Jon Harmon, Josh Spring, Justice, Kim Green, Lee McCoy, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Earl Patton, Mike Brown, National Homeless Person’s Memorial Day, Native Americans, Steve Sunderland, street papers, Superbowl, Western regional Advocacy Project, Willa Denise Jones
August 5-18, 2011
Can Cincinnati Protect the Homeless form Deadly Weather?
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Winning Hearts and Minds
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Distributor Program
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To Be Set Free
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Insurance Giant Bullies Anna Louise Inn
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A Lifesaver that Fits in Your…
Tags: Aimie Willhoite, Alisa Balestra, Anna Louise Inn, Artists as Activists, arts, Bill Howes, Brittany Fong, Catie Dargue, Cincinnati, Corey Luthringer, Della Woolens, Georgia Bohannon, Harrison Lott, homeless, Jason Dean, Jeni Jenkins, Jesse Call, Jim Luken, Josh Spring, Karen Chatman, Lee McCoy, Mark Grauhuis, Mary Beth Peters, Oregon, Paul Davis, Portland, poverty, Riccardo Taylor, Rubye Goode, Saad Ghosn, Social Worker, Stephen Gentry, street papers, Susan Lakes, Willa Denise Jones
April 15, 2011
Health Care for the Homeless Program is a Mobile Marvel
Pg 2:
In My Shoes
Pg 3:
Sworn Not to Betray
Pg 4:
Building Bridges with Neighbors
Health Care for the Homeless Program is a Mobile Marvel Continued
Pg 5:
Shine a Light…
Tags: Amiee Willhoite, B. Clifton Burke, Brenda Zechmeister, Chris Kromer, Cincinnati, Cleo Wombles, Corey Gibson, Crime, Dan Moore, Elizabeth Schulenberg, GCCH, health care, Human Rights, Internship, Isaiah Gaines, Jen Martin, Jeni Jenkins, Jim Luken, Jimmy Heath, Josh Spring, Judge Leslie, Kelissa Hieber, Lee McCoy, Mark Twain, Mayuko Hida, New York Times, Ohio, Photography, Poetry, Prostitution, Protests, Rico Green, Riots, Saad Ghosn, Sandra Knollman, Senate, Sheli DeLaney, street papers, Willa Denise Jones, Women, Yushin Toda
August 15-31, 2009
Celebrating This Thing We Do
First the Banks, Now the Rest of Us
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The Vibe
Pg 3:
Eight Minutes with a ‘Homeless’ Millionaire
Pg 4:
Walking and Smoking
Imaginary Chats & Real Compassion
Pg 5:
Street Papers Grow Across…
Tags: Aimie Willhoite, Alecia Lott, Angela Pancella, Anitra Brockman, Anthony House, Anthony Williams, Ariana Shahandeh, Berta Lambert, Cincinnati, city council, Dan LaBotz, Dave Scharfenberger, David Heitfield, Elizabeth Heath, Environment, Federal Reserve, George Ellis, Gregory Flannery, health care, Iraq, Jason Haap, Jeni Jenkins, Jennifer Blalock, Jeremy Flannery, Jim Montgomery, Jimmy Heath, Larry Gross, Lew Moores, Lynne Ausman, Margo Pierce, Media, Michael Henson, Paul Kopp, Ranjit Rege, Rev. Joe Folzenlogen, School Board, Soup Kitchen, Stephanie Dunlap, Street Paper Conference, street papers, War, Will Kirschner
June 2009
‘Streetvibes’ Wins International Award
Pg 2:
The Vibe
Pg 3:
Eight Minutes with a ‘Mind Kitchen’
Pg 4:
Same Struggle, Different Strategy Continued
Pg 5:
‘Streetvibes’ Wins International Award Continued
Pg 6:
Death, Race…
Tags: Aimie Willhoite, Alecia Lott, Andrew Anderson, Andrew Freeze, Angela Pancella, Buddhist Monastery, city council, Dave Heitfield, George Herrell, Georgine Getty, Gregory Flannery, International Award, Jennifer Blalock, Jeremy Flannery, Joe Wessels, Joseph House, Journalism, Lew Moores, Lynne Ausman, Margo Pierce, Mary Alice Flannery, Michael Henson, Norway, Ohio, Olga Collier, Over-the-Rhine, Paul Kopp, Paul Miller, Spain, Stephanie Dunlap, Steve Gibbs, Steve Novotni, Steven Lansky, street papers, Streetvibes, Traveling, Vegetarian
March 1998
Landlord Attempts Demolitions Again and Again and Again...
Are The Homeless Becoming More Visible?
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WESTCO Struggles
Building a Movement
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Word on the Street
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Run for City Council
Tags: affordable housing, Andy Hutzel, Berta Lambert, city council, Donald Whitehead, Gail Frazier-Holley, Gregory Payton, James (Jimmy) Heath, Judith Mendriski, Junior Baughn, Lemuel Israel, Malaka Sanders, Mark Salter, Patrick Mosolf, Ron Carter, social movement, street papers, the visible homeless, vendor profile, welfare reform